Mike and I met on the Scullers in 8th grade. We started dating freshman year and continued dating and rowing throughout senior year. We both were varsity captains and went off to college at University of South Florida where we started the rowing club there together. The team is still up and running ten years later. We succeeded in those early years thanks to the dedication and grit instilled in us by Scullers, not to mention some good old fashioned begging Coach Alex for help…
History & Alumni
“…a long history of championship rowing.”
Founded in 1991 by Peter and Betsy DeManio, Sarasota Scullers has a long history of championship rowing. Sarasota Scullers won gold at their first race in the summer of 1991 and continues to earn medals at races around the country. From the Head of the Charles to the San Diego Crew Classic to USRowing Youth National Championships and countless other races over our 30 year history, rowing at Sarasota Scullers is an opportunity for you to develop your inner champion. Our athletes are recruited to row at colleges across the Country
and many receive scholarships for rowing or academics. Our rowers have gone off to Harvard, Georgetown University, the Coast Guard Academy, Duke, Yale, FIT, Dartmouth, La Salle, Princeton, FIT, FSU, UF, and countless others. Two Sarasota Scullers founded the rowing team at University of South Florida! When you row with Scullers, the future is yours. For nearly 30 years, we have supported each of our athletes to achieve their best and we look forward to making you a part of our incredible Scullers history.
What are you waiting for? Join us today!
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Are you an Alumni?
We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know how you’re doing and what you are up to. Write a short article on what you’re up to in life. Make sure to include what years you were a Sculler, what rowing taught you, AND at least one high-resolution photo (no more than 7, please) that we can publish on our website. Thank you!